Delphi Code - Search for Microsoft Outlook Emails with Attachments
Here is a simple Delphi procedure that searches for Microsoft Outlook emails within a defined date range, and further refines the search to only emails that have one or more attachments. A cautionary note is in order here. Many of the attachments are images and htm links that may not be considered true file attachments. Additional code is needed to extract the attached files. This simple code can be modified further to perform sophisticated Outlook email searches. The code works well whether or not Outlook is already open. However, please note that the code will not work if Outlook is closed, and your installed Outlook requires any form of authentication upon launching the program. The most relevant parts of the code are highlighted. Comments are included to explain the code. If you copy and paste the code into your program, be sure to change the form and procedure names to match your setup. For additional Outlook automation solutions, see Microsoft Outlook Automation with Delphi.
procedure TForm1.SearchForMicrosoftOutlookEmailsWithAttachments(Sender: TObject); var Count: Integer; StartDate, EndDate: TDate; OutlookFindString: String; OutlookApplication, OutlookNameSpace, OutlookFolder, OutlookFolderEmailItems, OutlookMailItem: Variant; begin //be sure ComObj and Variants units are included in the "uses" clause
Count := 0;
StartDate := StrToDate('7/25/2022'); //start of date window EndDate := StrToDate('7/31/2022'); //end date for search window EndDate := EndDate + 1; //make the search inclusive for the specified window