Delphi Code - Merge Rows, Columns, and Cells in Microsoft Excel
Here is a simple Delphi procedure that opens a new Microsoft Excel file (i.e., Excel workbook) and demonstrates how to merge rows, columns, and cells. The Excel Range object can be used to easily refer to a range of rows (e.g., [5:10]), columns (e.g., [B:D]), and cells (e.g., [D15:L30]) to be merged. A few additional range operations are also demonstrated. The file is then saved. The most relevant parts of the code are highlighted. Comments are included to explain the code. If you copy and paste the code into your program, be sure to change the form and procedure names to match your setup. We recommend that you run the code and open and examine the Excel file generated. For additional Excel automation solutions, see Microsoft Excel Automation with Delphi.
procedure TForm1.MergeCellsInMicrosoftExcel(Sender: TObject); var ExcelFileName: String; ExcelApplication, ExcelWorkbook, ExcelWorksheet: Variant; begin //be sure ComObj and Variants units are included in the "uses" clause
ExcelFileName := 'C:\PhysiologyWeb\delphi_code_examples\excel_file_merge_cells.xlsx'; //replace file name with the name of your file
try //create Excel OLE ExcelApplication := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); except ExcelApplication := Null; //add error/exception handling code as desired end;
If VarIsNull(ExcelApplication) = False then begin try ExcelApplication.Visible := True; //set to False if you do not want to see the activity in the background ExcelApplication.DisplayAlerts := False; //ensures message dialogs do not interrupt the flow of your automation process. May be helpful to set to True during testing and debugging.
If VarIsNull(ExcelWorkbook) = False then begin //connect to Excel Worksheet using either the ExcelApplication or ExcelWorkbook handle try ExcelWorksheet := ExcelWorkbook.WorkSheets[1]; //[1] specifies the first worksheet //reference // except ExcelWorksheet := Null; //add error/exception handling code as desired end;
If VarIsNull(ExcelWorksheet) = False then begin ExcelWorksheet.Select;
//add text to A1 cell [row,column] ExcelWorksheet.Cells[1,1] := 'Microsoft Excel - Merge Cells A1 through L1'; //merge cells A1 through L1 ExcelWorksheet.Range['A1:L1'].Merge; //set font size to 20 ExcelWorksheet.Range['A1:L1'].Font.Size := 20; //make font bold ExcelWorksheet.Range['A1:L1'].Font.Bold := True; //change font color to blue ExcelWorksheet.Range['A1:L1'].Font.Color := clBlue; //set background color to yellow ExcelWorksheet.Range['A1:L1'].Interior.Color := clYellow; //align content to center ExcelWorksheet.Range['A1:L1'].HorizontalAlignment := -4108;
//merge entire rows - merge rows 5 through 10 ExcelWorksheet.Cells[5,1] := 'Merge Rows 5 trough 10'; //merge rows 5 through 10 ExcelWorksheet.Range['5:10'].Merge; //align content to middle of the merged cells ExcelWorksheet.Range['5:10'].VerticalAlignment := -4108;
//merge cells D15 through L30 ExcelWorksheet.Cells[15,4] := 'Merge Cells D15 trough L30'; //merge cells D15 through L30 ExcelWorksheet.Range['D15:L30'].Merge; //horizontal alignment to center ExcelWorksheet.Range['D15:L30'].HorizontalAlignment := -4108; //vertical alignment to middle ExcelWorksheet.Range['D15:L30'].VerticalAlignment := -4108; //set background color and font size, type, and color ExcelWorksheet.Range['D15:L30'].Font.Name := 'Lucida Handwriting'; ExcelWorksheet.Range['D15:L30'].Font.Size := 20; ExcelWorksheet.Range['D15:L30'].Font.Bold := True; ExcelWorksheet.Range['D15:L30'].Font.Color := clNavy; ExcelWorksheet.Range['D15:L30'].Interior.Color := clSilver;
ExcelWorkbook.SaveAs(ExcelFileName); //Note: If a file with the new name already exists, it overwrites it. Write additional code to address as desired. //reference // end; end; finally ExcelApplication.Workbooks.Close; ExcelApplication.DisplayAlerts := True; ExcelApplication.Quit;