Glossary of Physiology Terms
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resting potentia
The action potential is a rapid and reversible reversal of the electrical potential difference across the plasma membrane of excitable cells such as neurons, muscle cells and some endocrine cells. In a neuronal action potential, the membrane potential rapidly changes from its resting level of approximately -70 mV to around +50 mV and, subsequently, rapidly returns to the resting level again. The neuronal action potential forms an important basis for information processing, propagation, and transmission. In muscle cells, the action potential precedes, and is necessary to bring about, muscle contraction. Some endocrine cells also exhibit action potentials, where the excitation leads to hormone secretion.
The action potential is also referred to as the electrical impulse or nervous impulse.
Related glossary terms/phrases:
Graded potentialSee also:
Neuronal Action Potential
The voltage difference across a cell plasma membrane in the resting or quiescent state. It is also simply referred to as the resting potential (
Vrest). The value of the resting membrane potential varies from cell to cell. Depending on the cell type, it can range from −90 mV to −20 mV.
For example,
Vrest is −90 mV in skeletal and cardiac muscle cells as well as in astrocytes. In a typical neuron,
Vrest is approximately −70 mV. In many non-excitable cells,
Vrest ranges from −60 to −50 mV. In photoreceptors,
Vrest is about −20 mV.
See also:
Resting membrane potential
The Hodgkin cycle represents a positive feedback loop in neurons, where an initial membrane depolarization from the resting value (∼ −70 mV) to the threshold value (∼ −50 mV) leads to rapid depolarization of the membrane potential to approach the equilibrium potential for Na
+ (
VNa ≈ +60 mV). The voltage-gated Na
+ channels of neurons are responsible for the Hodgkin cycle.
See the
figure depicting the Hodgkin cycle.
See also:
Important Features of the Neuronal Action Potential
An equation used to calculate the equilibrium potential (
Veq.) of an ion. The equilibrium potential for an ion is also referred to as the Nernst potential for that ion. It is the membrane potential at which no net movement of the ion in question occurs across the membrane.
Veq. is the equilibrium potential,
R is the
universal gas constant,
T is the temperature in Kelvin,
z is the valence of the ionic species,
F is the
Faraday's constant, and [
o and [
i are the extracellular and intracellular, respectively, concentrations of the ion in question.
See also:
Resting Membrane Potential - Nernst Equilibrium PotentialDerivation of the Nernst Equation
Posted: Sunday, March 31, 2013
Last updated: Friday, August 28, 2015